/ / New York Times / Psychologist Who Waterboarded C.I.A. Prisoners Defends Method’s Use in 9/11 Case
/ Andy Worthington / Slow Murder at Guantánamo as Profoundly Disabled Torture Victim Is Sentenced to Another Eight Years
/ Department of Defense / Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al. Pre-Trial Hearing
/ Andy Worthington / Photos and Report: The Ten Coordinated Global Vigils for the Closure of Guantánamo on July 3, 2024
/ / Al Jazeera / Video: How a notorious US prison still haunts Afghanistan: Moazzam Begg Returns to Bagram in Afghanistan
/ Department of Defense / Military Commissions Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Encep Nurjaman Pre-Trial Hearing