/ / Daily Mail (UK) / MI5 agents watched as I was tortured: British spies implicated as Londoner held for 13 years in Guantanamo speaks out
/ / The Independent (UK) / 'American torturers told me they would rape my daughter to get confession,' claims Britain's last Guantanamo Bay prisoner Shaker Aamer
/ Andy Worthington / Der Spiegel Publishes Detailed Profile of the Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Uruguay, Struggling to Adapt to a New Life
/ / Antiwar.com / House Rejects Bill That Would’ve Allowed Gitmo Transfers; Rep. Nadler Calls for Detainees to Face Actual Charges
/ Democracy Now! / "These are War Crimes": Shocking Details Emerge of U.S. Resident Majid Khan’s Torture by CIA
/ / Common Dreams / Press Release: New Torture Account Demonstrates Senate Report Just Tip of Iceberg
/ Andy Worthington / Shaker Aamer’s Latest Words from Guantánamo; Thanks Roger Waters, Says, “I Am An Innocent Man and a Good Person”