/ / Associated Press / Court awards U.S. soldiers $134M in suit against Canadian former Guantánamo captive
/ / Common Dreams / Press Release: Center for Constitutional Rights Attorneys Welcome New Gitmo Envoy
/ / Daily Mail (UK) / What R&R looks like at Guantanamo Bay: Photographer's incredible images behind the barbed wire reveal room where inmates watch DVDs, their 'comfort items' and a playground
/ Andy Worthington / Skeletal, 75-Pound Guantánamo Hunger Striker Tariq Ba Odah Seeks Release; Medical Experts Fear For His Life
/ / Firedoglake / New Evidence on CIA Medical Torture: Injection “to the Bone” on Former Black Site Prisoner Majid Khan
/ / Washington Post / Two Tunisians interrogated at CIA black site in Afghanistan secretly flown home